Vierzehn, 2011, audioinstallation for 5 speakers
vierzehn, Audio, 2011, 24 min.
2 CDs Barbara Steppe, Jan Peter E. R.Sonntag, released 2012
Fourteen project participants were recorded while reading their pre-noted daily routine, which is listing the exact time and duration of their activities over a period of 24 hours.
The sound material was afterwards segmented and reassembled in accordance with the times listed on the journals, over a timeline of 24 minutes. The 24 minutes thus correspond to the 24 hours of a day. Finally, the 14 audio tracks thereby produced were synchronized.
Participants: Michael Baute Literatur- und Filmwissenschaftler. Gerti Fietzek, Kunsthistorikerin, Lektorin, Herausgeberin. Tatjana Hartz, Zahnarzthelferin. Emil Johnsen, Schauspieler (Sprecher: Julius von Stauffenberg). Liselotte Leidel, Rentnerin. Kattrin Michel, Professorin für Bühnen-und Kostümbild. Isabella Monte, Köchin. Ralf Pawlitzki, Modellbaumeister. Laszlo Sandig, Schüler. Marina Stankovic, Architektin. Reinhard Spittler, Industriekaufmann. Valeria Wackernagel, Schülerin. Hans Witte, Betreiber eines Bioladens (Sprecher: Cornelius Creutzfeldt). Luc Wolf, Künstler.
Editing: Dirk Schäfer, Postproduktion: Jan-Peter Sonntag
2 CDs, Barbara Steppe, Jan Peter E. R.Sonntag, released 2012